Welcome to Marketplace Christian Network

Where's the church during the week?
What is your vocation?
What is your ministry?
What is your calling?

MCN's Purpose is :
For All Christians to see
themselves as Full-Time
Ministers of God and to Adopt the Marketplace as their Missions Field.

About Us

For Your Thoughts

· Have you ever felt that your faith and what you do at work during the week do not connect but should?

· Have you ever sensed that there is more to your work than just a job?

· When was the last time you saw ministry and missions in broader terms the those related to teaching Sunday school or going to a foreign land?

· Have you felt that to be in full time ministry or serving God means you have to quit your job and go to a seminary or go into a Christian vocation?

Ministry and Missions is a lifestyle, a part of who we are rather than what we do. God has created us to be workers just as He is also a worker. Our work is a calling and a blessing, not a curse.