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We have crossed the millennial mark and many sociologist have placed us now in the post-modern era. The people of God are in the midst of a ‘social hurricane’ as Jimmy puts it. And yet, we have very little understanding of this new generation, typified by rebellion, apathy, sarcasm and other ills labeled by many in the church.
The question is; have we attempted even to understand how our young people are shaped in their thinking and passions? I believe we have much to learn from this book of Jimmy’s. Though the setting is placed on American campuses, we see this phenomenon of post-modernism not only as a localized but a global shift. Yet many of our current practices in the church has mostly been shaped to cater to the needs of the modern generation. How can we re-think, re-evaluation and re-do church and ministry to cater to the cries of God’s children in this day and age?
Jimmy’s insight into this postmodern generation will give us much food for thought as to how the gospel can reach out effectively to this generation. It innovatively explores the powerful testimony of a loving community, relieving shame, adoption and hope for a whole generation of young adults plagued by loss, disappointments and rejections. This book has great implications on evangelism, discipleship and ministry.
“With Generating Hope, Jimmy Long has made postmodernism and its implication understandable. This is a must read book for anyone who has a passion to reach the next generation” Dieter Zander, Willow Creek Community Church, Barrington, Illinois.
“The success of the church in reaching Generation X requires that we be guided by practitioners who are both theologically informed and culturally attuned. Jimmy Long is among the best” Stanley Grenz Carey/Regent College.
This is a must read !!! Inter-Varsity Press, 1997 Reviewed by Timothy Liu July, 2004
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Title: Generating Hope Author: Jimmy Long |