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“Every church has far more work than any one person can do,” writes Stevens. “The New Testament solution was for every member to be a minister.” This is more than a utilitarian solution; it is the essence of “the priesthood of all believers,” a doctrine central to the Protestant Reformation. Stevens tells how it took a recent five-year experience as a carpenter for him to understand (1) the reality of the layperson’s world, (2) the importance of the nine-to-five life and (3) the centrality of the “equipping” function of the church.
Check out the book: www.ivpress.com.
Review from the Marketplace Annotated Bibilography
MCN is making this information known as part of our service to our Ministry Partners of resources related to Marketplace Ministry. MCN is a Ministry of GCF-Singapore |
Title: Liberating the Laity Author: R Paul Stevens |