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Web-Site Review |
Probe Ministries
· A website chock full of articles covering disciplines such as history, culture and the arts, government and public policy, education, science and theology. Within each discipline or category, are papers addressing a myriad of issues. For example, in the area of "personal development," the articles address issues ranging from anxiety, depression, fears, guilt and stress to midlife transition, the will of God and the meaning of life.
· Essays and commentaries categorized by personality, for example, Kerby Anderson's commentaries on current issues in the US.
· PowerPoint slides on some topics if you would like to give a presentation.
· A radio program of which transcripts are available for programs broadcast the previous week.
· An apologetics study centre at the University of Texas, Austin.
· Mind Games conferences which they organize in the US and around the world.
· You can also read Probe's response to some of the email messages they receive.